Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Abandoned Farm - Proof Sheet...

//Shot on Yunon 35mm plastic lens camera. Cheap coles film.

I noticed this farm whilst driving to South Australia. On the way back to Melb, i decided to stop and have a look. It had been completely abandoned. I felt a little sad as whoever was living here perhaps found it to tough to survive and just had to get up and go... It was in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps it belonged to some old bloke who karked it and there were no family members prepared to keep it running... I like the mystery behind why it was left to decay and rot.
//Shot on my cheap plastic lens panoramic camera. Very soft focus. But lovely effects.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, I rekkin they'd make awesome prints, shall we order in a roll of paper for the inkjet printers for you.
