Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fairy Park (Anakie) - ProofSheet...

Went and visited a fantasy world created in Anakie (a town in the middle of nowhere) called Fairy Park. Apparently it was created in 1959. And from our visit, hadn't had much improvements since then. It has small little displays depicting fairy tales with the use of old, mechanical singing puppet creatures. Most hand crafted by some old bloke. They are falling apart and somewhat scary. Took some 'happy snaps' to document our visit.

Flying Kites Tumblr...

So i discovered tumblr. A blog like platform where people post mainly found images. Very minimal. Each tumbleog is endlessly amazing. I am yet to find a tumblr which is shit.
Here is my pick of the ones i've found...

Monday, May 11, 2009

space masks...

I've been experimenting with portraits of my parents. Masking found images of stars and cosmic wonders into their hair areas. I really like the combination of imagery and the rawness of the portraits. Not very flattering for the models. but very honest and very real!

original portraits:

...found this image on a blog, wild effects with the green ooze combined with glittering stars.

having taken photos at different times, i wanted them to look similar as i think they'd work better next to one another...

masking in stars:

decided to add some geometric shapes to illustrate the relationship b/t my parents. They both wear glasses permanantly but both decided to remove them when asked if i could photograph them. works well.