Monday, March 30, 2009

Warwick Baker...
Really got into his work a couple of years ago.
I sort of forgot about him.
And i just came across his folio of work again.
I really like his portraiture. Very raw and humorous.

he has an upcoming show at the abbotsford convent which i'll have to go have a look at too...

Exhibiting my work...

Tutorial on how to make a light box...

Exhibiting my work...

I like the black border of this particular design. If i am to use one, I think i might want to display three images in the one.

Exhibiting my work...

I've started thinking about to exhibit my work for the mid year exhibition. After discussing it with a few people, i don't really want to go down the 'mount board' road. I would really like to use light boxes. But only small, little ones. I'm wanting to exhibit some photos with the main light source coming in from behind the subjects in the photo, and a light box would really make them pop. I might have to start sussing out how to build/design them...hmm.

Son of Steve...

Door to Door...

Revisited Strays... - PS

Went back to see if i could get more photos of the cats... Not the best lighting conditions. Got dark fast! Perhaps worth another visit... i don't know. Ideally like photos of Margherita(cat lady) feeding them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Change of Name...

After some feedback.
I've decided to change the name of this particular blog.
The name is more personal now i guess.
And 'anotheryearofpic' sounded a bit negative.
Not that 'After this, i am still no one' is in anyway positive.
But 'anotheryearofpic' made it sound like "fuck, not ANOTHER year" kind of thing.
And in a way, i don't want to be 'someone' in the photographic world.
I'm happy making images for myself and others who want to see the reasoning behind why I've decided to capture moments in time and how they have affected me.
Anyways, im digging it now...

Baby's On Fire...

Heard this Brian Eno song during a video we were watching during Folio class.
Although i know of eno, i haven't heard much of his music, i found that babys on fire was off 'Here Come The Warm Jets'.
Fuckin wild!
The video is amazing too.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jan Smaga...

Artist from Poland.
Wild photographic work.
Crazy editing skills.

Jim Worthy...

An interesting illustrator i've just come across.
I have attempted similar styles in the past. Nothing compared to the quality of these...
Could do something similar with tacky photos of people and animals...hmm

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Ending Warehouse Party - PS...

//Shot on Kodak Point & Shoot. Kodak colour film.