Monday, September 7, 2009


Kokomo music video by Black Dice.
Absolutely wild.
Really dig some of the imagery, particurly the masking of video/commercials with hyper graphics.


  1. Well Tom, it's almost over, here anyway. Hopefully you will continue on your fantastic journey under your own steam. I'm sure you will continue to delight and astound those are privileged to see and engage with your work, as I have been this year. Thanks too, for being you this year, for working so hard and contributing. Good luck with your work, keep plugging away and if we can be any help in the future don't hesitate to ask.

  2. OH STU!
    You're so lovely.
    I saw you writing something on here just after my review and have only just remembered to check it.
    Thank you so much for your teachings/insights/help. I will miss your sense of humour.
    I really hope that i'm motivated enough to keep producing work, whatever the medium.
    I've just started making a vhs filmed music video for my friend Simon that will be done within the month and put up on
    So keep an eye out for that.
    And i might even consider doing third year on the side next year just so i stay involved with pic and help keep me motivated.
    Who knows.
    Thanks again Stu.
    Hopefully when your fighting fit again, we can enjoy a beer together.
    See ya on tuesday!
